OWS TM Battle Continues
We’ve already mentioned that couple from Long Island that applied for an “Occupy Wall St.” trademark, but this article brings up another interesting twist to the story. Apparently, the couple weren’t the only ones with the “brilliant” idea to trademark an intentionally undefined movement. T-shirts, merchandise, and other applications for OWS-related trademarks have sprouted since the movement began back in September.
On October 24, an unincorporated association “Occupy Wall Street” applied for the trademark to “Occupy Wall Street.” (Notice the difference between “St.” and “Street.”) This group has been screen-printing t-shirts and other items in Zuccotti Park, and plans to continue doing so especially once it has trademark protection. However, an Arizona-based investment firm also applied for the Occupy Wall Street trademark just a few hours after the association did. The investment firm has absolutely nothing to do with the movement, but saw it as a lucrative opportunity.
It is interesting to think that had this firm applied a few hours earlier they could have been awarded the trademark. An investment firm owning Occupy Wall Street? Now that would’ve really given some OWS protesters something to write about.
Thank you to staffer Kaitlin Keenan for the CNN link!